Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Editor makes prize from mistakes

Just heard this funny bit from StoryCorps, a nonprofit project that collects stories told by ordinary people. And, in case you copy editors were wondering, the name is indeed one word with a capital "C."

In this story, a retired Miami News editor explains what happened when a pre-printed section turned out to contain several factual errors. He also provides some advice for would-be journalists.

Monday, March 23, 2009

E&P does a big, bad boo-boo

(T)wat the? Just got this from a journalist friend. Hope they correct it soon, or they'll turn off a lot of people, including some Tweeters!

Below is copy I copied and pasted directly from the E&P Pub, which is a site related to Editor and Publisher, the biggest journalist mag out there.

Now They Tell Us

We just started tweeting with all the other twats, and now we see this new video...
Update: They just changed it to "twits." I guess that's better.

March 23, 2009

Now They Tell Us

We just started tweeting with all the other twits, and now we see this new video..

And then there's this, which shows Stephen Colbert on the Today show.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009