Saturday, March 20, 2010

This dad's got his own club

Saw a T-shirt at the mall that said the following:
Dad's Against Daughters Dating
The problem is the apostrophe. It means one of two things. It could mean that the word is possessive. But there's nothing for it to possess. So that doesn't make sense. It could mean that the apostrophe stands in for a missing letter. So it could mean "dad is" against daughters dating. That kind of makes sense, if the creator is talking about just one dad. But not if the creator intended "D.A.D.D." to take after MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions).

It should be "Dads Against Daughters Dating." That way, the word "dads" is plural, which means the club can include more than one dad.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Are you sure about that?

Call the ASPCA! In case you can't read the image, the small headline on the left says:

"No one hurt, but family dog is killed."

We're online

My JMC410 class has done some great work so far this semester, and it's online at our class Web site, The 410 Forum. Please check it out.

Another fact not checked

The sports editor at The Star Press in Muncie, Ind., had to apologize in print this week for getting a story completely wrong. Seems a guy by the same name as a local athletic director applied for a job at a different school. Oops. Why did they wait until it was the middle of the night to call the guy for a comment? They'd been chasing the story all day. Unbelievable.