Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What a bad ass

Saw the following on a bumper sticker some time ago, and I just can't stop thinking about how much an editing class would have helped the writer.
Bad ass girls
drive bad asstrucks
My old but accurate "Webster's New World Dictionary: Third College Edition," defines a "badass" as "a troublemaker, especially one who is rough, tough, mean, or sometimes, violent." The word is listed as both a noun and an adjective, and both are one word.

I don't think I'll be driving an "asstruck," thank you very much. In fact, that's one vehicle I'd prefer not to see on the road -- ever.

And here's the kicker. The bumper sticker was on the back of a Ford Escort, a car that's always said "troublemaker" to me.

1 comment:

JD (The Engine Room) said...

The Concise OED gives a secondary meaning of badass (adj) as "very good".

Still one word, though.